It is always changing the tenses. We worry about the future. Natural thing to worry I guess. Money, job, relationships all tossed into a blender. Tastes good sometimes and other days need more cream and sweetener.
Every minute the future becomes the present, and too quickly shoved into the past. The past becomes a learned lesson. It most likely will be forgotten, obsessed about, or a blueprint for the future. Blink of the eyes, time changes.
Makes it seem silly to worry so much about something that came and went in a minute, figuratively. If we are to blend our reality with stuff, then we should put more in the blender then a pocket watch. Toss in pictures, pay stubs, music, movies, keepsakes, diplomas, names, a wedding, a ring, birth certificates, a handful of dirt, grass and rocks.
Maybe not as an energy drink but a lovely plant to grow on a window ledge. Reach out to the sun. Breathe some air. Dance in the rain and calmness of the moon. Talk to it everyday. Keep the memories alive. See where you are at and how you got there. Treat it like a friend and not as an enemy. Forgive it when you must and embrace it every chance you get.