It's only been a year since the death of Ben Parker and the birth of Spider-Man. During the past year, a lot of things have happened; Archenemies, John Jonah Jameson, Weird fans, Aunt May knowing that Peter is Spider-Man. As Peter enters his second year of being Spider-Man, another thing major event happens. Aunt May's job moves them from Queens, New York to Chicago, Illinois. Upon their first day living in Chicago, Peter head to Riley's, a Pizza joint just across the street from their apartment. Peter meets the Rileys, the family that owns and runs the pizza joint. A family of four boys with a girl in between. Peter first meets Christana or Chris at Riley's but, formally meets her on their first day of senior year. As the months and the years go by, new villains to threaten the lives of the innocent, old faces, and secrets come to light.
Spider-Man: A New Web CHAPTER 5
by Josie Hook
I've only known Peter for two weeks and I'm already suspicious of him. He shares a lot of similar qualities with Spider-Man. Including sticky hands and webs coming out of the wrists. I'm sorry, unless Peter somehow as a medical condition where that happens, he's got to be Spider-Man. Also, what medical condition could make you even do that to begin with? Haven't brought about that theory with my Spider-Man obsessed brothers. Would never hear the end of it.
Anyway, all of that is what led to me now side eyeing Peter while eating lunch. One of the other things I've noticed about Peter during these last weeks is that he always brings a lunch, and the bag is always filled to the brim. I mean, he always has a crap ton of food with him. He looks a little scrawny to be an athlete but, too built to be what could be considered a nerd. Wow didn't realize that my inner voice was that judgy. Then again, I do work in the food service. What was I talking about again?
"Uh, Chris? You okay?" I turn to look at Gwen who's looked up from her phone, watching drum videos? Then again, she is a drummer.
"Yea, why?"
"For starters, you've squashed your banana like it wronged you." I look at my hand and would you look at that. I've made mushed banana with my hand. I let go.
"And you've been staring at Peter like he's going to eat you for the last 10 minutes." That's how long I was staring at him? I turn more to Gwen as Peter grabs a pudding cup from his lunch bag.
"There's something off about Peter."
"Yea, I've known that since elementary school back in New York." I roll my eyes at her.
"No, I mean something physically off about him." Gwen cocks her head at me.
"Physically off?"
"Yea." I lean in closer to Gwen.
"I saw webs come out of his wrists on the first day." Now Gwen is looking at me like I've lost my mind.
"Chris, have you been hanging around your brothers again?" She wouldn't be wrong. I do sound crazy but the whole thing with Peter sounds crazy too. I hear a pfft. Gwen and I turn to look at Peter who's pudding cup is now busted open with pudding on the ceiling. The hell? What kind of super powered drugs is he taking?
"Oops." Peter calmy puts the busted pudding cup down and grabs another one. He opens that one normally and eats it. I turn to Gwen with a 'told you so' look.
"Okay, something is physically off with Peter."
"Ya think?" Gwen quickly looks at Peter again and leans forward.
"What do you think might be off with him?"
"My guess? He's Spider-Man." Gwen gives me another weird look.
"Chris, you really need to stop hanging around your brothers when they start talking about their Spider-Man theories."
Well, my best friend since 6th grade thinks I've lost my mind. I just have this feeling that Peter is Spider-Man. Which, I have no idea how I'm going to prove that, nor do I know where to start. Definitely don't want to get sucked into Spider-Man madness that has a strong grip on my brothers. Though, it is really that important to prove that Peter is possibly Spider-Man? I could be wrong...
I look over at Peter and now part of the table is missing. I know these tables are not exactly new but, they're not old. I catch the broken piece in his hand before he tries to hide it. Peter looks around before he notices me watching him.
"Oh...Um..Heh...." He manages to get the piece back into place with the same webby stuff coming out of his wrists that I saw two weeks ago. He stands up and grabbing his stuff.
"I..Uh...Gotta go. Later!" Peter quickly leaves the lunchroom. Well, that proves one thing... Peter is Spider-Man. Or at least has the same mutated powers as Spider-Man.
"Gotcha, Parker." I mutter before getting up and heading out of the lunchroom myself. Gwen's already wander off to her band buddies again. I'm barely out of the lunchroom doors when I catch Peter's shoes as he turns a corner. I adjust my bag and take off running, heading into the same direction Peter just went. Breaking school rules here by running but don't care right now. I keep running after Parker. Turning down the same hallways he's trying to evade from me. Unfortunately for him, that's not going to happen.
I manage to lose him at one point. Where the hell did he go? I know this big but, it's not huge. He couldn't have gone that far. I keep trying to look for him as I hear the bell for the end of the period going off. I keep looking and looking and looking and looking. That is until I pass a window and seeing red, blue, and black. I stop in front of the window and look out. I see Peter...In his Spider-Man costume. I pull out my phone in time for peter to put his mask on. Well, that confirms my theory. Peter Parker is Spider-Man. I'm curious as to how long it'll take him until he figures out that I know. Now, we play the waiting game.
Won't be long before Peter figures out that Chris knows